60 Useful Short Form Word
60 Useful Short Form Word Today we are taking about the 60 abbreviations that are very useful for your knowledge, and these Short Form Word are also useful for many competitive exams. We must have the information about all these abbreviations because most of them we face daily in our life, so let's start learning about them. 1- URL = Uniform Resource Locater 2- ICICI = Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India 3- EMI = Equated Monthly Installment 4- IDBI = Industrial Development Bank of India 5- RBI = Reserve Bank of India 6- SEBI = Securities and Exchange Board of India 7- LIC = Life Insurance Corporation 8- CBI = Central Bureau of Investigation 9- VIP = Very Important Person 10- XML = Extensible Make-up Language 11- WTO = World Trade Organization 12- WHO = World Health Organization 13- WWW = World Wide Web 14- WWF = World Wildlife Fund 15- SMS = Short Message Service 16- GIF = Graphics Interchange For...